Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dictionary page ATCs

Some of those reading may never have heard of Artist Trading Cards.  The size of traditional sports trading cards (2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches), they are made in any medium the artist prefers.  Here is a Wikipedia link about ATCs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artist_trading_cards and here is a link to a site in Switzerland about the history of ATCs as well http://www.artist-trading-cards.ch/.  Rules for ATCs are only regarding the size and the fact that the cards are freely traded with other artists and are never sold.  I have belonged to two online groups for swapping ATCs via mail for many years and have been fortunate to swap with many very talented people all over the United States and all over the world.  Sometimes a swap can have a theme proposed by the host or hostess and how your art fits that theme is up to you.  The above cards are ones I made for a swap where the theme is to use a page from a book as your background.  I used pages from a very old dictionary that was falling apart.  Normally, I would cringe at destroying any kind of book.  This book was pretty much disintegrating anyway.  I salvaged the pages in the best shape and have them in my stash of interesting-things-to-do-something-with-someday.  For these particular pages, today was the day!  Below are two close up pics of two of my favorites.  Very soon, they will be making their way through the mail to the swap hostess and from there off to other trading card artists who could live anywhere.  I can't wait to see the ones from the other participants.